Everything has a learning curve. Some are steeper than others and some take more effort to climb.

Television doesn’t usually have much of a curve and even when you need to figure out a plot, it doesn’t usually take much of an effort to climb the curve.

Reading can be either easy and fun, like the comics, or crazy nuts, like an advanced organic chemistry textbook. You can feel the difference in your brain.

Learning curves are like hiking uphill. The steeper the grade the more the effort it takes and the more you want to sit down and rest. And that’s when the rewards start kicking in. You start getting stronger and you begin getting a better view.

We can put our photo settings on auto everything and use the files right out of the camera or we can make the curve steeper for ourselves. On purpose. Manual, raw, applies lighting and confusing processing software. It can be enough to make your brain hurt.

Eventually, though it will make our photos better and our brains will get stronger along the way.

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