There is nothing new about new interfaces, those screens with buttons and menus that enable us to use our software.

Interfaces (also called graphic user interfaces or GUIs) are our command centers. The idea is to make it easy to tell software what to do with having to know what commands to type in.

For most of us it’s all we know. Command line software is rare and reserved for the advanced users.

Yet, despite being easier that command lines, GUIs can be maddenly complex. Sure, there are all sorts of happy little buttons that will do our commanding but we still have to know what they are commanding.

And just when we are getting good at it, they change or we encounter a whole new program.

Good for us! Despite the anxiety and frustration of having to continuously learn and relearn a GUI, it provides us with valuable neural exercise.

The brain is powerful, but lazy. It’s primary goal is to save energy so it prefers not to think whenever possible. (Hence the immense popularity of TV). However, most of us have way more than enough energy to spare for our brains and can readily put it to work.

So whenever you are faced with a strange updated GUI or presented with the opportunity reach for something new, go for it. You’ll may feel your brain heating up, but that just means it’s getting stronger.

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