Photographers love fog.  Only some fog though.  Not fogged lenses, fogged film or foggy brains (although, maybe sometimes a foggy brain…).

Fog is not rare, but unusual.  Things look different.  The light is diffuse, some colors are filtered out, stuff in the distance disappears and hides man made object.

If you like to shoot in the fog then you’ll want to predict when it might happen.  Ground fog (the cool kind) happens when the the ground is cool and the air is warm.  Perfect conditions are when we get some warm air when there is snow on the ground.  And we’ve all seen fog forming over streams and river early in the morning.

If there is a location you’d love to shoot in the fog you need to be a bit of a weather bug, monitoring conditions and predictions.  Sometimes though it’s just serendipity.  Right place, right time and you have a camera with you.

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