The Photographers Group was founded in late 2015 and quickly attracted a wonderful group of people. Not wanting to do routine contests of random photos we opted to do focused projects instead and in 2016 we did our first project, A RIVER TOWN
We got together and built display boards which we set up in the studio. Our exhibit, though only open for a weekend, was well received and encouraged us to do more projects and more exhibits.
From 2016 through 2020 we did about three project exhibits a year. (OUR PROJECTS). Then in February 2020 the pandemic hit and indoor exhibits were no longer an option.

We continued to do projects but instead of physically displaying our images we went virtual. While a reasonable and safe alternative, viewing photos on line is not as satisfying as seeing them in person.

Then one day in December as I walked along the side of my building I got the idea of putting up one our display boards outside to show photos. There was a nice overhang to protect it from rain and it would allow show our photos 24/7. I dubbed it The South Harrison Street Outdoor Gallery as it ran along South Harrison Street, a one lane road squeezed between two buildings.
It has turned out to be great solution. Not only are people able to enjoy our images without fear of being inside we are able to keep our exhibits up for weeks at a time. During 2021, there were six projects during which time the gallery was expanded from one display board to two. It has become a local landmark enjoyed everyday by the many visitors Frenchtown attracts. Many more project exhibits are planned.