Bill Brokaw


Receiving an award can be very satisfying, especially if it comes from a respected source and the other candidates were equally worthy. It’s not quite the same when everyone wins a trophy. An award for work you care about doing is confirmation that you are on the right track. The work you are doing is …

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In the movie, the Deer Hunter, Robert DeNiro explains his philosophy of hunting. You take one shot, make it count. You could easily apply this to photography, taking fewer photos and being more deliberate. It’s always a good idea to be deliberate.


Fog is fun.  It has softness and mystery.  Fun to photograph in, terrible to drive in. It was also a mystery when to expect fog.  Sometimes I could guess, like when it was rainy or there was snow on the ground and the air got suddenly warm.  But what made the fog? Naturally, there is …

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